
Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to get a Fever

Method 1: Take The Whole Day

  1. 1
    Wake up early. The key to faking out your parents is to let them wake you up—with your fever already flaring! To do this, you have to prepare ahead. Are your parents the "touch the forehead" types, or "pull out the thermometer" types. This is crucial to planning the right strategy. Here are some examples:
  2. 2
    Heat an electric thermometer with your hand. Hold the thermometer as still as you can with one hand, and rub your thumb as fast as you can until your desired fever is reached.
    • If your thermometer has an infant/toddler setting, switch to it. Your temperature will go up 1 or 2 degrees.
  3. 3
    Heat a mercury thermometer with water. Go to a sink, preferably one near the water heater. Turn on the hot water, as hot as it will go. Put the tip of the mercury thermometer under the running hot water until your desire temperature is reached / passed. If you pass it, shake the thermometer down until you reach your desired temperature.
    • For better subterfuge, pour a glass of hot water, and set it near your bed. After your parents stick the thermometer in your mouth, they'll probably go get a cup of coffee or something. That's when you stick the thermometer in the glass of hot water.
    • Be careful to keep it out of sight. If they see the steam coming from the glass, you're busted.
  4. 4
    Shake your mercury thermometer by holding it from it's tip. But be careful, though, because if you are too violent, it will reach an impossibly high temperature and your parents could either not believe you or send you to the nearest hospital.
    • Also, be careful not to shake so hard you shatter the glass.
  5. 5
    Use a light bulb. Heat a mercury thermometer on a light bulb for a few minutes before placing it in your mouth. Or whenever your parents walk out of the room.
  6. 6
    Fill a hot water bottle with really hot water, and place it under your pillow. When your parents are off fetching the thermometer, quickly rest your forehead on the water bottle. This should raise your surface temperature by a few degrees, and make you look flushed and warm.
  7. 7
    Work out . Lift weights or run on the treadmill so you get all sweaty, or take a really hot shower—but don't get your hair wet! When your parents come to wake you, you'll be hot and sweaty.
  8. 8
    In the event your parents are watching you take your temperature, you need to be clever. You have to pretend you're going to be sick, and run to the bathroom.
    • Lock the door! Turn on the hot water in the sink. Make horrible retching noises, dump a glass of water (or two...or three) in the toilet bowl. Don't forget to flush!
    • Put extremely hot water in your mouth (but don't burn yourself). Swallow water just before your temperature is taken. Dab a little on your face so it feels sweaty.

Method 2: Get Out of School or Work Early

  1. 1
    Communicate about your symptoms constantly. Throughout the day you have to make your symptoms obvious, but not too bad; complain but don't whine or cry.
    • Mention to people that your throat hurts or you have a headache. Take some bathroom breaks. It makes people believe you more.
  2. 2
    Put water on your face. During your frequent bathroom breaks, rub (don't splash) hot water on your face. It'll make you looked flushed and sweaty.
  3. 3
    Avoid the nurse! If in school do not go to the nurse a lot trying to get out! If you go maybe once in a while they will not have a doubt and let you call home, but do not have regular visits or they'll brand you as a faker.

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