
Friday, August 16, 2013

'60 Minutes’ says A-Rod leaked Biogenesis info implicating Ryan Braun and others

If the most recent report regarding Alex Rodriguez and baseball's PED scandal is true, or even if enough players believe it's true, he really will have made himself a pariah in all Major League Baseballclubhouses.
"60 Minutes" asserts it has evidence that "members of A-Rod's inner circle" leaked Biogenesisdocuments implicating Ryan Braun, along with one of Rodriguez's teammates, Francisco Cervelli, and others to Yahoo! Sports shortly after the Miami New Times broke the Biogenesis story earlier this year.
The handwritten documents of Anthony Bosch, the key witness in Major League Baseball's PED investigation, revealed comprehensive doping regimens that Bosch had engineered for a host of professional athletes. His cooperation with MLB has resulted in the suspension of Rodriguez and 13 other major league players.
It's against Yahoo! Sports policy to reveal the names of its sources.
Rodriguez is appealing a 211-game suspension by MLB related to the Biogenesis affair, yet has been playing with the Yankees since recovering from hip surgery. He hasn't been welcomed back league-wide, with several prominent players — Evan Longoria of the Rays and John Lackey of the Red Sox to name two — saying he shouldn't be playing while his case is adjudicated.
Rodriguez has tried to accumulate sympathy, basically saying that baseball commissioner Bud Selig is out to get him. And there's reason to believe it. But most of A-Rod's complaints seem to go ignored.
And now, what will his brethren be saying now that it's alleged A-Rod ratted out other players, including one of his own teammates? A "cheater" is one thing. But a "rat"? It's going to be a lonely world for Alex Rodriguez.

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