
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Former Phillies pitcher Dan Meyer calls out Antonio Bastardo after he’s linked to PEDs

Let the line of players scorned by Biogenesis-related PED users start behind Dan MeyerMeyer is a former Philadelphia Phillies pitcher, who didn't beat out Antonio Bastardo for a spot in the Phillies bullpen back in 2011.
When the news hit Monday that Bastardo would be one of the players suspended by MLB in the Biogenesis fallout, Meyer took his frustrations to Twitter.
Meyer is not the first player to get beat out by a PED user and certainly won't be the last. But his story illustrates one of the often overlooked parts of cases like Biogenesis. We often think of PEDs as a key to unlocking big bulking players and huge home runs. But one of the places where PEDS are making the the biggest difference is when they help a player beat out another for a roster spot. You only need to look at the Biogenesis list to see a bunch of fringe big-leaguers who are trying to make a team.
As for Meyer, he tried to catch on with the Pittsburgh Pirates and Baltimore Orioles afterward, but his Twitter bio says it all. He identifies himself as, "Ex-MLB Pitcher and oldest college senior in all the land and now I have no idea what I am going to do."

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