
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kendall and Kylie Jenner on Their Fashion Regrets, New Clothing Line, and Life in the Public Eye

Kendall Jenner (left) and Kylie Jenner (right) model their new PacSun collectionFor years, Kim Kardashian and her sistersKourtney and Khloe have hogged the camera on their reality show, "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," but recently some of the focus has shifted to their half-sisters, 17-year-old Kendall Jenner and 15-year-old Kylie Jenner. The young beauties found themselves in the K-themed empire, and now that they're coming of age, they're about to make the most of it. In addition to modeling stints and a large social media presence, Kendall and Kylie are following in their family's footsteps with branded merchandise. First came their accessory line, Metal Haven by Kendall & Kylie, which just arrived at Nordstrom. The pieces — adorned with spikes, angel wings, and skulls — range from $10 to $22, a sweet spot for their fellow-teen demographic. Next up, a Kendall & Kylie fall collection for PacSun, consisting of faux leather pants, graphic tanks, a trendy black skirtall, and ankle boots, all ranging from $22.50 to $69.50. On Tuesday, the sisters met with hundreds of wild, screaming fans at the PacSun store in New York City in anticipation of the line's nationwide launch on Aug. 8.

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Yahoo! Shine sat down with the sisters to discuss their inevitable rise to fame, their latest fashion endeavors, and some of those public misconceptions about the Kardashian clan.

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Shine: You've both grown up in the spotlight, which can be tough at times. What do you think about all the commentary about the way you look and dress? Does it ever bother you?

 To be honest, I'm not looking at any of that stuff, so I don't really see it.

Kylie: It's really toxic to look at it. I can't really get upset about it. I get talked bad about every single day by somebody, so eventually it's like, am I really going to let this one person affect my life?

Shine: What's it been like growing up in front of cameras? Does it ever get annoying?
Kendall: I don't think so. It's kind of all we've known for the past seven or eight years, and we don't remember life before it. We honestly don't. So it doesn't really get annoying to us, it's kind of just everyday.

Kendall and Kylie walk the runway at the Evening Sherri Hill spring 2013 fashion showShine: Recently there have been stories about your great bikini bodies, but you're still teenagers. Does that weird you out or feel inappropriate to you?
Kendall: No, I don't think we're ever worried about stuff being inappropriate.

Shine: The New York Times just ran a story about kids dressing older than their age, and how high heels are huge for kids this summer. Do you think kids are growing up too quickly?

Kendall: I don't think wearing heels is inappropriate, and I don't personally think kids are growing up too fast. They're probably looking at the kids that are in the spotlight. And when you are well known, you're kind of forced to grow up fast. Me and her, it wasn't even just that. We grew up with older sisters that we've been around our entire lives, like we were always more mature than everybody else. And we're working with older people, so it just happens naturally. The fact of the matter is, I'm almost 18 years old and people still see me as a 13-year-old little girl. She's almost 16 - about to be driving - and people still see her as a 10-year-old little kid, and we're not anymore. People just need to start realizing that. We're growing up.

Shine: You have some very stylish youngsters in your family now. Do you have any fashion advice for North, Mason, or Penelope as they grow up?

Kendall: I mean, they all have pretty stylish parents. They're probably not going to have a problem with that. I don't think they're going to need our advice! [Laughs]

Shine: Do you have any fashion regrets?
Kendall: I know on our TV show, the first season Kylie and I would wear some pretty ridiculous outfits. Like season one I remember seeing myself wearing bright green jeans and, like, a polo shirt that was meant for boys that went down to here on me [points to mid-thigh]. It was huge and, like, wide too, and I wore it to school and came home and they were filming and it got on the show.

Shine: As the show has progressed and you've gotten older, are you more selective about what you wear on the show?

Kendall: I mean, I don't really care now, but I'm not wearing what I used to wear.

Shine: What items from your older sisters' closets do you like to steal?
Kendall: From Khloe I am constantly stealing shoes, because she's my size and she has the best shoe collection ever.

Kylie: I love Kim's clothing. Every event I go to I'm like, "Can I borrow those?" Like skirts and shirts and stuff.

Shine: There are so many celebrity fashion lines, and many have failed. What made you want to create a line for PacSun, and why do you think it can stand out in the market?
Kylie: We watched our sisters create their fashion line and really got to know the process, so we were really interested in it ever since then, and when the opportunity came to us, we jumped on it.

Shine: How much were you involved in the design process?
Kylie: We were completely involved.

Kendall: Yeah, everything from patterns to fabric to colors. We brought our own ideas, they had some ideas, we sort of pick and choose a little bit.

Kylie's favorite choker from their Metal Haven jewelry lineShine: And you have a new jewelry line, too. What are your must-have items from your clothing and accessory collections?

Kylie: I love this dress that I'm wearing right now. It's very simple and cute and you can dress it up or dress it down. We have this colorful crop top that I love. The blue jeans we have in our line are amazing, they're a little high rise. For jewelry, we have one really cute, simple choker necklace in our jewelry line that I love. And Kendall is wearing these two ringsthat I'm obsessed with.

Shine: Any other trends you're loving or items you want for fall?
Kendall: I like a lot of body jewelry and head pieces. I want the mini Celine bag. I have the medium-sized one, but I want the mini.

Kylie: I like overalls. I think they're really cool. Great jeans, that's huge for me.

Shine: With all your public appearances, you must be pros at putting together outfits. Do you have any style tips you can share?

Kylie: [Yawns loudly] Hmm. We get this question a lot and we don't have an answer for it.

Shine: Which celebrities do you think have great style?

Both: We love Rihanna.

Kendall: I like Blake Lively. Isn't that her boyfriend? [She points to a Ryan Reynolds lookalike on a magazine cover].

Kylie: No, that's not Ryan Reynolds.

Shine: You mean her husband. They're married.

Kendall: Husband? Stop! I didn't know that.

Kylie: That's news to me.

Kendall: Yeah, what?!

Shine: Do you see yourselves working together a lot in the future, or going your separate ways on projects?
Kendall: I think minus the stuff we're already doing together, we're starting to do our own thing and split apart from the whole "Kendall and Kylie" package.

Shine: How would you say your style personalities differ?
Kendall: I think I'm a little classier and simpler, and she's a little edgier. But I can be edgy, and I do like the edgy look. We're like the same, but not.

Kylie: [Whispers] Different but the same.

A Kardashian family outing on the red carpet in Las VegasShine: What do you think of all the "K" branding? One of your new shirts says Kalifornia.
Kylie: I love it! I think it's really cool.

Shine: Let's talk beauty. When you're not on camera do you still wear a lot of makeup?
Kendall: I don't wear any makeup when we're not doing cameras or anything. I like Armani Luminous Silk foundation, and I love Lancome mascara. That's pretty much all I wear.

Kylie: I love makeup. I've always loved doing my makeup and doing my friends' makeup. I like Lancome foundation, and I like the company Cover FX. I'm pretty obsessed with all of MAC's matte lipsticks.

Shine: You've both done a bit of modeling, are you both looking to pursue that?

 I think it's really cool, but that's definitely more Kendall's thing and not something I want to pursue.

Kendall: I think people group her into that category because of the photo shoots we do for our lines, but it's something I want to do hopefully for the rest of my life. If it succeeds, it's gonna be amazing. It's one of my biggest dreams.

Shine: Are you trying to do runway shows and high fashion campaigns or more commercial stuff?

 No, no, no, oh my God, no. When I started that's kind of what they put me in because of who my family was, but that's not what I wanted from the beginning. I kind of just went with it, and that messed me up. I was 13 at the time, and that was sort of the only place they saw me. Now it's kind of hard to get out of that, but for the past few months I've been trying to get out of the commercial area and more into high fashion.

Shine: Well, you're household names, so that's a good way to get your foot in the door.

 Some people don't like that though, but it's OK. I'm trying.

Shine: Who do you hang out with when you're not working?

Kendall: The majority of my friends are not famous. I like it like that…Most of my friends I've actually had since before the TV show. We went to school two years ago. Now we're home schooled, but when we went to school that really helped ground us and keep us with our friends.

Shine: Do you miss going to school?

Kendall: Thinking back, sometimes I wish I still went to school just for the social aspect, and being able to cheerlead, and being with my friends all the time. That was always so fun. I think back to that and I'm like, 'Wow, I miss that!" But it's just not realistic anymore.

Shine: Do you think the public's perception of you is accurate? Is there anything you wish you could tell people?

 I think a lot of people think we're really into ourselves and only care about ourselves, but I think we both just have such strong personalities, so maybe it's hard to relate.

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